Personal Productivity

Maintaining Productivity Levels When You Work From Home With Kids
Your toddler has just found the paint, there’s spaghetti on the walls, and you’re starting to wonder “why did I choose to work from home?”
Personal Productivity
Your toddler has just found the paint, there’s spaghetti on the walls, and you’re starting to wonder “why did I choose to work from home?”
Personal Productivity
According to different statistics, workplace stress and anxiety increase day by day, affecting work management.
Business Productivity
In the past two years, firms around the globe have moved their operations online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This has brought a host of benefits, from reduced overheads to greater freedom for employees.
Getting Things Done - GTD
An entrepreneur is, according to the dictionary, someone who undertakes difficult or hazardous actions with determination. Wikipedia adds, more specifically, that it is a person who designs, launches and operates a business, based on an innovation.
Getting Things Done - GTD
The pandemic has accelerated some changes that were already taking place in society, albeit in a much slower way. Companies have had to digitize themselves by leaps and bounds to allow their employees to work from home, and workers have learned another way of living that, with its pros and cons, allows them to better reconcile work with their personal lives.
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