Personal Productivity

6 Tips for Dealing with Tasks You Don’t Feel like Doing
We all have tasks in our Next Actions list that we are reluctant to do and tend to procrastinate or leave for another day.
Personal Productivity
We all have tasks in our Next Actions list that we are reluctant to do and tend to procrastinate or leave for another day.
Personal Productivity
If you are constantly fighting to stay awake and alert at work or you dread going to the office the moment you open your eyes in the morning, then you may be experiencing burnout. It’s a phenomenon that can often occur when you no longer have the mental or physical strength to do your current work, or you are so overwhelmed that you feel like you are drowning the second you sit down at your desk.
Personal Productivity
Many people perceive the summer period as a time to wind down and enjoy the holiday. It is common to find people indulging themselves in activities that they find pleasurable. But most of the time, these pastimes are time-consuming at best and unproductive at worst. It is possible to enjoy your summer holiday and be productive. Many indulgements are productive and inclined towards personal development that you can get involved in during the summer. This article mentions ten options you can exploit on your next summer holiday.
Personal Productivity
Regardless of the system you use to manage your projects and tasks, both professional and personal, there is something that is rarely discussed when talking about personal productivity, and yet is the foundation of any healthy productive behavior: the strategic allocation of your time.
Getting Things Done - GTD
Getting Things Done is a personal productivity method that is easy to learn as everything it teaches is common sense, yet it can be difficult to put into practice, at least at first. There are a number of habits you need to implement, and creating habits you don’t have can be hard.
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