Project Management

How to Build Your Future
The end of the year is approaching and you’re probably making a mental review of how this year was, what you’ve achieved and what you would like to change to make the next year better.
Project Management
The end of the year is approaching and you’re probably making a mental review of how this year was, what you’ve achieved and what you would like to change to make the next year better.
Project Management
In the first part of this article we saw how important it is to consider the risks that may affect a project, where to find them and how to identify them.
Project Management
With projects of a certain size it is very important to consider the risks that could derail the project. A project may fail miserably by the mere fact of an unexpected event taking place, which can unbearably lengthen its execution, make it too expensive or destroy morale of the team working on it.
Project Management
While project management is a discipline somewhat alien to most people, the truth is that the knowledge, skills, techniques and tools to effectively manage project activities, are increasingly needed in our society. Although this discipline was born as a necessity in the corporate world, we all have some personal projects we want to run the best possible way.
Project Management
It seems kind of paradoxical, but it often happens that, in our pursuit of an enhanced quality of life, we are assuming new responsibilities that can be a source of stress if finally we take on more than we can handle. The same happens at work. To grow, promote and improve, we have to—in almost all cases—acquire more responsibilities.
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