Getting Things Done - GTD

Capture Tools and Best Practices
Gaining Control Through Capture:
Getting Things Done - GTD
Gaining Control Through Capture:
Getting Things Done - GTD
The GTD methodology (Getting Things Done) methodology is a personal productivity system that is valid and appropriate for everyone, but there are certain professions, jobs, and ways of working and living in which it is essential to be able to organize oneself efficiently.
Getting Things Done - GTD
An entrepreneur is, according to the dictionary, someone who undertakes difficult or hazardous actions with determination. Wikipedia adds, more specifically, that it is a person who designs, launches and operates a business, based on an innovation.
Getting Things Done - GTD
If you’ve ever thought about improving your personal productivity, being more efficient in organizing your work, getting your personal and professional life under control, or living with less stress, you’ve probably heard or read somewhere about the Getting Things Done (GTD) personal management methodology.
Getting Things Done - GTD
I usually ask FacileThings users who quit the app what was the reason that led them to do so. Sometimes it’s due to external issues, but many times the answers allow us to improve certain things, not only at a technical or user experience level, but also at an informative and educational level.
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