Getting Things Done - GTD

The Matrix of Self-Management
There are two key elements in self-management: control and perspective. These two concepts interact with each other but are achieved using different approaches.
Getting Things Done - GTD
There are two key elements in self-management: control and perspective. These two concepts interact with each other but are achieved using different approaches.
Getting Things Done - GTD
GTD became very popular in the years following the publication of the book Getting Things Done by David Allen in 2001 and, although it no longer has the hype and expansion it had in its early years, it is a methodology that has firmly established itself as one of the best personal management systems.
Getting Things Done - GTD
To live an effective life we need to make things happen and, to do so, we should be able to engage with our world in a way that allows us to get the experiences we are looking for.
Getting Things Done - GTD
The last few articles have looked at how you can effectively manage your affairs through five steps that allow you to regain and maintain control of your life:
Getting Things Done - GTD
In my last article I discussed how the enormous amount of stimuli to which we are exposed can generate situations of overload and stress, diminish our attention span and, ultimately, negatively affect the management of our commitments.
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