Personal Productivity
5 Steps to Start the New Year Productively
AUTHOR: Francisco Sáez"Before everything else, getting ready is the key to success" ~ Henry Ford

A New Year, a fresh start! Well, although it probably isn’t so, surely you have already raised a few nice resolutions. But you already know that New Year’s resolutions are rarely met, right? You need to go a little further, and set clear goals. You could even challenge yourself this year with an ambitious goal.
In any case, before starting to develop new projects it would be advisable to reflect about everything you have in your plate right now, free yourself from unnecessary stuff and make a good set-up on your personal management system.
- Know what your commitments are. If you don’t have a complete inventory of your current commitments, you will accept new tasks indiscriminately. Many of them should not be part of your life since they are not aligned with your goals and prevent you from moving forward your new projects. Although it may sound contradictory, it is necessary to set up certain limits in order to experience freedom. If you know what you have to do, you also know what you should not do.
- Find out where you are. You can’t move towards the future if you don’t know exactly what your current reality is. What are your current tasks, projects, areas of responsibility, goals and vision of life? You need to review and define your current situation with perspective.
- Know where your limits are. Don’t try to do everything, be everything, and have everything. That would exhaust psychologically and physically to anyone. More does not necessarily mean better. Focus on significant and positive goals, and set the next actions to move forward all of them.
- Clean up your incomplete stuff. You won’t be able to focus on new challenges if most of your energy is diluting trying to face multiple open loops. Complete tasks and projects, large and small, to prepare the ground to face your new challenges clearly and cleanly. Start anywhere. There are no priorities, only things that should be done as soon as possible and things that can wait.
- Free your mind. There are things to come that you still can’t see. They will open new paths and unlock new opportunities for you. You have to be ready for anything and learn to effectively respond to anything that attracts your attention. To do this you need to capture everything that comes to your head and clarify its real meaning. Creativity shows up only when there is room for it.
You can easily achieve all this if you use a personal management system like GTD. Don’t you know the GTD methodology? Take advantage of this offer to learn GTD in 6 months and practice with FacileThings at a ridiculous price.
Happy New Year!
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